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  • Telephone:13693115325
  • wechat:liuyiliang100
A new generation cross-platform deep learning framework
AI framework that is platform-agnostic
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Product Matrix
We provide a wealth of open source products for different developers to achieve one-stop AI development
  • Algorithm library TLXCV

  • Algorithm library TLXNLP

  • Documentation and Tutorials

  • Conversion Tool TLX2ONNX

  • GNN Library GammaGL

  • Conversion Tool Paddle2TLX

Algorithm library TLXNLP 
TensorLayerX provides a wide range of advanced, fully validated intelligent visual algorithms covering a wide range of application scenarios. A variety of out-of-the-box algorithms can be deployed on a variety of platforms to provide an efficient and smooth development experience for developers.

Currently supported algorithms include:
Object detection, image segmentation, face recognition, human pose estimation, etc.
Natural Language Processing Algorithms Library based on TensorLayerX, with a multi-scene model library, a simple and easy-to-use API, and multiple hardware compatible deployment capabilities, is designed to improve the modeling efficiency of text analysis for developers and provide NLP domain best practices on a variety of computing platforms.

Currently supported algorithms include:
Pre-trained model, text classification, text generation, character classification, etc.
Algorithm library TLXNLP 
Documentation and Tutorials
Provide detailed development documentation to provide a reference for your development

Provides text and video tutorials, including in-depth learning of basic theory and development practice, to learn and run tutorial codes on the Baidu AI Studio platform

Videos are available in foreign languages such as Arabic to help international developers
Conversion Tool TLX2ONNX
This tool converts the artificial intelligence algorithms built by the TensorLayerX framework into files in the ONNX Universal Interchange Format.
The ONNX interchange format facilitates the migration and exchange of artificial intelligence algorithms in different computing frameworks and computing hardware. At present, many artificial intelligence development platforms using domestic chips support loading algorithm model files in ONNX format and running algorithms.
Converting the model developed by TensorLayerX into an ONNX format file can further improve the compatibility with home-made AI products. At the same time, the algorithm developed by TensorLayerX on the national AI platform will be converted to ONNX format and can be used by other mainstream frameworks, which improves the compatibility between the national AI ecology and the external environment.
GNN Library GammaGL
GammaGL, GAMMA LAB and Pengcheng Laboratory provide more than 20 mainstream classical models with the latest open-source graph neural network algorithm library
In addition, GammaGL is very similar to the mainstream PyTorch Geometric (PyG) interface design. You can develop it as a PyG that supports TensorFlow, Paddle, MindSpore, and switch back-end deep learning frameworks with one click.
At the same time, we provide more than twenty mainstream classical models for you to reuse.
Conversion Tool Paddle2TLX
Paddle2tlx is a model conversion tool for TensorLayerX, which can easily convert model code implemented by PaddlePaddle to model code on TensorLayerX framework for cross-platform deployment.
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